Be Ready With

Ready-to-Save, Ready-Made, Ready-to-Ship Kits

Ready-to-Ship Kits

Meet the most demanding college level learning objectives with off-the-shelf lab kits that are ready to ship.

These college-level kits cover the most frequently taught science concepts and simplify your course design. Select any of the 24 kits covering 9 different subjects—all available for timely delivery.

The lab kits provide the same rigorous learning experiences as our design-your-own kits, while saving your students money.

The Challenges We Address

Carolina’s ready-to-ship kits help you address common challenges that arise with remote learning. Our kits help you and your students make the transition from on-campus to online learning quickly, they meet course outcomes with campus-quality labs, they offer a quality lab experience remotely, and they allow for lab safety at home. Plus, students receive lab materials on time.

The Benefits to You

Ready to meet your teaching objectives simply, quickly, and dependably, while managing the requirements of teaching online courses? Designed with our most frequently taught investigations, the kits meet the most demanding learning outcomes. The kits offer a bigger cost savings to your students and flexible purchasing options.
Ready-to-ship kits are available from stock immediately after proposal and processing. There’s no minimum order required—order as you need them.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Our Distance Learning specialists are happy to support you. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to a specialist for assistance.

How are these kits different from Carolina’s other distance learning investigations?
Unlike our customizable kits, the ready-to-ship kits are off-the-shelf purchases: they’re preassembled based on our most frequently requested investigations. They are still designed to meet the most demanding learning objectives in each discipline, ensuring rigor in learning and reliable results.
Is there a minimum order for ready-to-ship kits?
There is no minimum order required.
How quickly can students receive the ready-to-ship kits?
All ready-to-ship kits are available to ship from our stock after your proposal and processing are complete.
How much can students save on their ready-to-ship kits?
Since the kits are ready-made, students can save up to $26 per kit.
How are ready-to-ship kits distributed to students?
As we do for all our distance learning kits, we can contact your school’s bookstore to make the kits available for purchase. Or we can create a custom landing page for students to purchase kits online. You choose the preferred method.

Learn More

Complete the following form to let us know which ready-to-ship kits will help you meet your students’ learning outcomes. A Distance Learning specialist will contact you. 
Important: This form is for college instructors and staff. If you’re a student, please email us to ensure a prompt response.

Investigation Information


General Biology 1 Kit

The General Biology 1 Kit contains 11 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics such as blood typing, cellular respiration, mitosis, and biological macromolecules. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.


General Biology 1 Kit with Microscope

This variation of our General Biology 1 Kit contains 10 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics such as the fundamentals of microscopy, the cell cycle, introductory biotechnology methods, and mendelian genetic inheritance. The microscope is a light compound microscope with 400× magnification. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.


Introduction to Biology Kit

The Introduction to Biology Kit contains 7 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics such as blood typing, cellular respiration, cell structure and function, and biological macromolecules. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.


General Biology 2 Kit

The General Biology 2 Kit contains 9 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics, such as natural selection, owl pellet dissection, frog dissection, and ubiquity of microbes. An equipment set, dissection set, and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal, as well as supplemental resources. The specimens are preserved using Carolina’s Perfect Solution®.


Botany Kit

The Botany Kit contains 6 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics, such as flowering plants, gravity’s effect on plants, and seed germination. An equipment set, grow light, lettuce seeds, and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal, as well as supplemental resources.


Introduction to Biology Kit

The Introduction to Biology Kit contains 7 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics such as blood typing, cellular respiration, cell structure and function, and biological macromolecules. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.



General Chemistry 1 Kit

The General Chemistry 1 Kit contains 12 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics such as density, chemical and physical changes, electron configuration, and acid titration. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.


General Chemistry 2 Kit

The General Chemistry 2 Kit contains 10 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics such as reaction rates, equilibrium, chromatography, and nuclear decay. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.


Introduction to Chemistry Kit

The Introduction to Chemistry Kit contains 8 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics, such as separation of mixtures, periodicity, molecular bonding, chemical reactions, and titration. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal, as well as supplemental resources.


Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Kit

The Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Kit includes 4 multipart laboratory activities covering saponification, aspirin synthesis, thin-layer chromatography, and transesterification. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal, as well as supplemental resources.


Organic and Biochemistry Kit

The Organic and Biochemistry Kit includes 8 multipart laboratory activities covering topics, such as fermentation, enzyme catalysis, thin-layer chromatography, transesterification, and proteins. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal, as well as supplemental resources.


Organic Chemistry Kit

The Organic Chemistry Kit contains 6 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics, such as melting points, condensation reactions, thin-layer chromatography, and transesterification. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal, as well as supplemental resources.


Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy Kit

The Anatomy Kit contains 2 laboratory investigations, including fetal pig dissection and mammalian organ dissection (heart, kidney, brain, and eye). Dissection materials and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.


Anatomy and Physiology Kit

The Anatomy and Physiology Kit contains 7 multipart laboratory investigations covering the same topics as both the Anatomy Kit and the Physiology Kit. Dissection materials and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.


Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Kit

The Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Kit contains 4 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics such as cell structure and function, homeostasis, anatomical terminology, and dissection. Dissection materials and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.


Physiology Kit

The Physiology Kit contains 5 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics such as urinalysis, blood typing, and the senses. Personal protective equipment is included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.


 Introduction to Human Anatomy

The Introduction to Human Anatomy contains 2 of our popular A&P investigations: Blood Typing with Eldoncards and Fetal Pig Dissection. These lab activities are a great way to introduce students to anatomy, and to engage them while providing exposure to dissection of preserved specimens. A full dissection set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal, as well as supplemental resources. The pig specimen is preserved using Carolina’s Perfect Solution®. 


Neuroanatomy Kit 

The Neuroanatomy Kit contains 2 dissection investigations involving a cow eye and a sheep brain with dura mater. Each specimen comes with a poster diagramming the parts of the specimen. A full dissection set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal, as well as supplemental resources. The specimens are preserved using Carolina’s Perfect Solution®.



Microbiology Kit

The Microbiology Kit contains 5 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics such as aseptic technique, biochemical tests, and the Kirby-Bauer method. An equipment set, personal protective equipment, broth and plate media, and lyophilized cultures are included. Lyophilized cultures include E. coli, S. marcesens, M. luteus, and S. epidermidis. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.


Microbiology with a Microscope Kit

The Microbiology with a Microscope Kit contains 8 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics such as aseptic technique, biochemical tests, the Kirby-Bauer method, and multiple microcopy investigations. An equipment set, personal protective equipment, broth and plate media, lyophilized cultures, and staining materials are included. Lyophilized cultures include E. coli, S. marcesensM. luteus, and S. epidermidis. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.



Physics Kit

The Physics Kit contains 10 multipart investigations covering fundamental topics such as momentum, thermodynamics, and kinematics. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety and procedures as well as supplemental resources.


Environmental Science

Environmental Science Kit

The Environmental Science Kit includes 6 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics such as ecological succession, water quality, soil characteristics, and bioremediation. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.



Geology Kit

The Geology Kit contains 4 multipart laboratory investigations covering topics such as density, plate tectonics, mineral properties, and the rock cycle. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.



Biotechnology Kit

The Biotechnology Kit contains 4 multipart laboratory investigations covering gel electrophoresis, simulated ELISA assay, DNA extraction, and blood typing with simulated blood. An equipment set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources.



Zoology/Comparative Anatomy Kit

The Zoology/Comparative Anatomy Kit contains 5 dissections that enable students to compare body systems in different animal groups. Specimens include an earthworm, a crayfish, a frog, a perch, and a rat. A full dissection set and personal protective equipment are included. Instructors are provided detailed lab manuals describing safety, procedures, and disposal as well as supplemental resources. Specimens are preserved using Carolina’s Perfect Solution® or Carosafe®. 


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