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Advanced Dissection Set

Dissection Leatherette Case Scalpel, #22 Scalpel, #11 Scissors Forceps, Medium

Biological Macromolecules for Anatomy and Physiology

Recognize functional groups common to organic molecules. View Materials

Blood and Blood Vessels, Hematocrit

Understand normal hematocrit values. Recognize anemia through the gravity sedimentation

Blood and Blood Vessels, Wright Stain

Requires Microscope Understand the normal values of blood composition. Recognize

Blood Typing with Eldoncards

Determine your blood type using an Eldoncard with three test

Blood Typing With Simulated Blood

Determine blood types using simulated blood and antisera. Describe the factors

Cardiovascular Physiology

Identify the different elements of the cardiac cycle. Recognize the

Cardiovascular Physiology Dry Lab

Create graphs from data sets, both by hand and electronically.

Cell Structure and Function

Model the processes of simple diffusion and osmosis. Calculate the

Chemical and Physical Digestion

Describe the chemical composition of the macronutrients. Describe the function

CRP Latex Agglutination Test Simulation

In this simulation, students test patient blood sera for the

Endocrine Physiology Dry Lab

Identify the location of the main components of the endocrine
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